Recently, an online survey of almost 500 CEOs and small business owners showed that 63% spend nearly 6 hours on social media every week. 

That’s an hour a day.  

The rest are spending even more time, with some business owners spending over 21 hours a week on social media alone.  

That’s MORE THAN HALF of a 40-hour workweek.

But where are you going to find 6 hours a week to spend on social media? Social media demands both time and practice and that's where we come in!!


We have hundreds of assistants skilled at social media and ready to get started on increasing your online presence!  

Here's how to get started

1. Tell your Virtual Assistant what you want.   Start with how frequently you want them to post, and to which channels.   Give them samples of the tone you are looking for, which can be simply pointing them to your existing social media and letting them read previous content.   Share articles that inspire you, sites you read or people you follow so they can understand your point of view and business goals.

2. Have them create content for your approval.  Good social media requires meaningful and frequent content.  Your audience craves value!  A Virtual Assistant can come up with a list of prospective posts for a day or an entire week, place them in a spreadsheet and get your feedback.  Over time, you’ll be amazed at how well your Virtual Assistant knows your voice.

3. In order to do all this great stuff for you, you will need to give your Virtual Assistant access to your accounts.  This can feel scary, but it certainly doesn’t have to be.  You can do this through a password manager, like Lastpass.  You can also make your Virtual Assistant an administrator of some of your social media profiles, including Facebook, LinkedIn Company pages and Google+ pages.

4. Try letting your Virtual Assistant guide you. We will match you with someone skilled at social media marketing and so don't be afraid to listen to their advice on the best ways to get noticed. They're experts! 

Having a Virtual Assistant for your social media will provide results and more importantly free up your time!