You may on occasion find that a task sent by a trial user requires longer than the 1 hour they are given to trial the service, or they may have already used some of their free credit on another task and therefore have less than an hour to use.

When you get the alert, which tells you the trial client is out of time, we recommend providing the trial client with what you have been able to do so far. 

Here is an example of what successful freelance Virtual Assistants have said to trial clients in this scenario:


I have made a start on your task however I have not been able to complete everything required within your one hour free trial. 

I have attached the work that I have managed to do in this time - and I'd love for you to purchase a Time etc plan so that I may continue my work on this task and providing you with ongoing Virtual Assistant support.  

I would be grateful for your feedback!

Kind regards,